Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Monday, March 01, 2004

Force and The Kingdom

I am very intrigued by Luke 16:16. It states that people were forcefully entering into the kingdom. Was the message that Jesus was preaching so revolutionary that people were forcing there way into it? Yes. What is meant by "forcing"? I am not sure and I don't have a butt load of commentaries lying around to read either but I can only imagine that it was total abandonedment to the old way of thinking about the kingdom. In our current state (I can only speak for where I am located) people seem blind or ignorant to the kingdom. What causes blindness or numbness to the kingdom. I believe at times it is the fault of the church and over emphasis on an individual's salvation. Jesus preached the good news of the kingdom, not individual salvation which does play a part. The kingdom is so much more than "salvation" it is freedom, grace, justice, service, dependence on the King. The king pardons, protects, instructs, disciplines his citizens. So exactly what is the message of the kingdom. Mt. 5,6,7 gives us a glimpse into the message. I believe if this was lived out and "preached" people would be rushing to enter the kingdom, not neccesarrily the church but the kingdom. Big difference! I believe people are hungry for a King, a redeemer, but it is not neccesarrily a hunger that exists within the four walls of a church. Can we change the focus from: a church focus to a kingdom focus? Yes. Do we need to open our eyes to the Kingdom? Yes. Is the Kingdom advancing forcefully? Yes. Does God want us to be a part of it? Yes. Am I a force in the kingdom? I am not sure. I hope I am motivated by Christ love and spirit which is the true force behind the advancement of Kingdom. What do you think about this idea of: force and the kingdom?


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