Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Funny Stuff


Some funny stuff happened to me this week at work. Yesterday I was helping the flooring guys carry out tile to their vehicle. Once we finished the guy was trying to shut the garage door but the automatic opener was not letting it shut. So me being the ever helpful, walk over pulled the red handle and the door released. I started to run out of the garage and WHAMO! right on top of my head. The guy took me out! after i helped him carry tile out he flung the door down with so much force it shortened me up by a couple of inches. It was hilarious. Then today there was a pot heater running in a basement. It was a tad bit too hot. So being the ever concious worker i bent over to turn it down. As i was leaning over I was not ready for the immense heat radiating from the metal. As i got closer the it just about melted my face off. It singed my eyebrow and eyelashes and the smell was absouletly horrific. My eye was melted shut. it was cool. Thank goodness I don't have any hair or that could have been ugly. Well tommorow I have a minor operation, so I pray that it goes well. chop chop


  • At 8:35 AM , Blogger Dan said...

    Don't you mean snip snip?
    : )

    Hope you're recovery is going swell.
    (No pun, really...)


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