Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What up?

I had a pretty heavy night tuesday. A couple we know lost their baby three hours after he was born. Not unexpected but nonetheless painful. During the service they showed a slide show of pictures of this little guys short life. It nearly ripped my heart out to somewhat sense the pain of the parents. It was amazing. The picture that really got to me was the mom brushing the little guy's hair. It was so moving. I am thankful that God allowed them to have a very meaningful and life changing experience with their son. It struck me at that time how petty my life has become and what consumes my thoughts. God is so big and the hope he brings to the lives of so many is mind boggling. I am writing this exhausted so it might not make sense. But believe you me it was a numbing experience. For a moment i was numb to the things of this world and saw what really matters in such a real way. I pray that i can be content in the situation that either myself of God has put me in right now. I am rambling. I was reading the women at the well story the other day and was struck by what the samaritians called Jesus: "Savior of the world". Do i believe he is the Savior of the world? Or am I like the unbelieving Jews and try to make Jesus something he is not from my presuppostions of who he is; based on what i've been told or what i've read? I am not sure but i think i am more like the unbelieving Jew than the heathen samaritan. What up? Maybe i am scared of what will become of my comfortable life if i finally submit totally to him. What up? Can anybody relate? Back to the other night. The dad spoke about how it will take awhile for him to catch up to where his heart is, meaning he knows that God is good and will bring comfort and peace to his life, that he knows his son is better off living in the presence of all loving God, being wrapped up in his arms, but it will take awhile to process and digest all this pain, confusion and loss. I was humbled and blessed by what God has taught him and how, I believe, God spoke through him. Peace out...this old man is going to bed.


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