Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Monday, April 26, 2004

Am I reaching?

As I have been thinking about "church" and it's approach to "evangelism" there is a word that I think helps perpetuate the idea of the attractional model. When you surf several sites for churches you can usually see in their mission statement that they want to "reach" people for Christ. While this is not bad in of itself but where is the church standing when they are reaching? They are standing on the only thing they know, the building (this coming from my own personal experience I don't want to indict the entire church). Have you ever tried to reach for something just beyond your grasp? You will eventually fall and poke your eye out if you hit something sharp. The easiest way to "reach" it is to move towards it. The idea of "reaching" communicates to me that we aren't living with the people, we aren't connected, we aren't in the world. If we were in the world there would be no reaching, there would be hugging, High-fiving, saying "excuse me" because you just bump into a future disciple, or hey man, "why do these weights have to be so heavy?" to a guy at the gym. Simple. Simple. Simple. No program, no leader, no book to read on how to become a contagious Christian, you just live. I don't think I am reaching but possibly leaning. Well enough moaning for now. I promise the next post will have a positive tone, I am just in a funk right now.


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