Dear Mr. Local A
What up? It's been a long time since I've posted. I really didn't plan on responding to your comment because I thought it would be a waste of my time. I will make a deal with you. I will be willing to carrier on a conversation if you will email me your name. I will not post it on the web.
If i am not mistaken this is what you are saying:
Christ died for the church
only the church has the authority to baptize and give communion
And i don't believe scripture because i don't meet a certain location every week.
I believe that Christ died so we can come into the presence of God and communion with him daily. Do I need to give scripture references, it is the crisom ribbon that ties the whole bible together.
Here is where especially the western church (sorry dano) gets wrong in my opinion. In the good ole USA the church gets confused with the Kingdom. It gives specially credence to the paid staff and the pope better known as the senior pastor. When you read the gospels compare how much Jesus talked about the kingdom and how much he talked about the church. Not much of a comparison, the gospel are riddled with stories about the Kingdom, Jesus came preaching the good news of the kingdom not come join our holy hour on sunday we call church. Jesus' point is enter into the kingdom, then you are part of his family,better known as the church.
This idea that the "church" is the only authority to give communion and baptize I don't understand where you arre coming from. Maybe if we would pay attention to the past we wouldn't make the same mistakes. God used Luther to get the bible back into the hands of the people, so they could read it themselves. I dare say that Mr. A that you are part of a denomination that was spawned by the faith of Mr. Luther. So let's not put it back on the shelf, let's take him down and see what he was trying to say. How much of today's church is driven by the Senior Pastor, that charistmatic guy up front? A majority! Do you see that in the NT? If so where? It is obvious Mr. A that we are coming at this from two different perspectives but I truly believe that I am in the church because Christ is the King I serve. So with that said because of the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in me, I have been given authority to baptize and share communion.
This leads me to my next point. Was the great commission given to the church or to individuals? My answer i s to individuals.
Not that there is any flow to this but point three. I've never said that I am forsaking the gathering of Christians to worship and fellowship. What I am saying is: I am not comfortable with the approach of the majority of churches that surround me. Once again, I believe God is blessing the church where i used to attend and i wish no ill feelings or harm to them because they are my bro's and sis's in Christ. I believe it to be profitable to gather together, i just don't agree with what is being taught through the structure, budget, and may other issues. As you can tell i have serious add and the internet is not the best avenue for this type of communication but I want to make one thing clear: I appreciate your concern and take it to heart that Mr. A would care about me. Let me know who you are and this could get interesting. just in case you can't find my email here it is
At 9:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Are you telling me that the language you have just used on me is a "Christ Like" (christian) behaviour?? Or is it a language that is satan inspired? Let no corrupt thing come for your mouth Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
The bible tells us you can tell by the fruit they bare? Is this good fruit that exeplifies Christ? I think not. I do not know your heart only God does. I will pray for you and that your universalism thinking is such foolishness. I dont blame you but I do blame the heresey that has spawned this false teaching that you are spewing out of your mouth. I felt God lead to contact you in this way. I feel no need to contact you as this is my last posting. It so sad how you are missing out on such a blessing and by your tone I see Satan is starting to sink in his teeth. I will pray for you!!!
At 9:46 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What language???
At 10:06 PM ,
Bob said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 10:30 PM ,
Bob said...
Browsing around I found this. Probably worth checking out for all who are watching this conversation.
At 10:32 PM ,
Bob said...
Lost the link Take 2 If that doesn't work, it's on the Organic Church site under "When Christians disagree, online"
At 11:22 PM ,
isaac said...
I am more grace-filled because of your words; Mr. A-man's words, not so much. It's too easy in this medium to throw cheap shots and run. Thanks for sticking in there and not resorting to name calling and ad hominem arguments.
At 8:30 AM ,
Dan said...
No offense taked Tim(o)...
: )
It is REALLY SAD that the A-man has decided to bail.
Is he "shaking" the dust off of his feet? Has he given up?
This is a battle we are in, a battle against flesh and blood. But the real battle is the Lord's and HE is big enough to help us muddle through this confusion (there is a definite language/interpretation barrier between the Traditional Western and the "post-modern" church thought process and word definition.)
I don't think that your (Tim's) theology is "universalist" but I do think that there are things that the emerging church is missing the boat on. Historical reference for one and then there is the tendancy to throw the baby out with the bathwater...
But I digress, "church" in the west is following a long established tradion that was maintained through Christ's disciples in Acts. (It did NOT start in or around 313 AD!) That is what us old school thinkers call revisionist history.
My reference is in Acts 20:7 (et. al.)
His disciples gathered for what has become "church", a noun (person, place or thing). Where I think you (Tim) and others are growing is making "church" into a verb (an action.) Which I do think is a good thing.
The Internet is not a good place for deep dialog, that is best handled in person face to face. (In the Bible it says, "come let us reason".) I am saddened that Mr. A-man has decided to stay in the closet.
How can we grow if we do not communicate? This forum can offer a great cloaking devise for people. Cuts, jabs and etc. But again the Bible tells us that we are going to be judged by every idle word. (It says that comes out of our mouth, but I think it covers Blogs too...) In the words of Arnie out in California, don't be a girly man. Step up and let's let the iron sharpen itself. The Bible is the authority. Let's see together what it says.
At 10:08 PM ,
Tim said...
May God bless Mr. A and his life. I pray that God would allow me to continue to "spew" this hersey. I pray that it comes out both ends and gets all over people. I pray that i might be used for change and be used in the Kingdom, therefore be used in the church.
Signed your resident heretic.
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