Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Going Shopping!

A local church just bought a declining shopping mall to use as it’s meeting place. The reasons for the move are, even though they own around 75 acres of prime real estate, parking, space, etc… The catch is the church is made up two separate entities, the church and the business. The business bought the shopping mall and the church will meet there. The stores will stay and so will the movie theater. Does that mean the church will be responsible for the clothes being sold, the smut that is shown on the big screen? How ethical is this? I don’t know and I really don’t care.

Yes I am cynical. Here’s the deal. I’ve already had conversations with brothers that are questioning this move and the implications it will have. They say this church is already watering down the gospel (whatever that means) and it will quicken the spiritual death of its’ members, which might or might not be true. They are concerned about what this will say to those who are seeking or on the outside. You know what I think it will say NOTHING! AGAIN I SAY NOTHING. Look. The people I work with don’t even know this place exists. I worked at a church of 1000 and people ask me where I worked, so I tell them. 100% of the time they have know idea where that place is. I have to tell them the big brick one on one of the busiest streets in Rockford! The most people in Rockford, IL don’t even know the church exists. They may know a few buildings here or there but they haven’t tasted the sweet glory of being in the church. I mean in a relationship that will lead to life change, transformation that can only take place through the power of the Spirit. If you have read this blog in the past, you know that I can be pretty negative but God has taught me to relax, extend grace, and encourage. So all I can do is pray that the leaders of the church will be smacked in the face with this truth: people don’t know you exit, please quit trying to attract people there and go out. Please go out! I have been convicted just to encourage in a loving way. I will try not to get involved in circular arguments just because someone wants to be right. I will just say u-huh and pray a prayer and move on. Well…it’s getting late and I got’s to be getting to bed.

If you are interested in a cool read…check out bob’s blog. He discusses the ba’hai.

Monday, March 07, 2005

What do you think?

I have a friend Who posted this on his webpage...I believe he wrote it. I am proud to say that he was one of "my" students when i was in "full-time ministry". I think Chad is on to something. What do you think?

Communion, rather, is intended to be a replication of The Last Supper where the disciples ate with Jesus, facing each other, eating a meal. Together they were asked to ‘do this in remembrance’ of Christ. The experience of a meal at a table is fundamentally different than the passing of an emblem among rows of chairs. Is Christ to be remembered, as he lived, in a community, or as a ritual that commodifies the experience of remembrance? Perhaps communion was meant to be more than we have allowed it to be, perhaps it could be more lifelike, perhaps it could include more accountability, and perhaps it could be more joyful and celebratory; remembering Christ with people instead of merely in the presence of people. [Added 3/01/2005]
