Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


It is the last night of our JR. High program. WHEW...It has been a good year but the lack of effort on my part is evident. It seems to me like I failed, yeah the numbers where up from last year but who cares. I still feel like a failure. I wonder where my passion went or if I had it all. Well anyways there is always next year.

Sunday, May 16, 2004


I know one of the key tenets for church is community. When we use that word community what do we mean? Are we referring to fellowship, in it's biblical sense not we have made it to be: potlucks and bible studies. Is there are difference between community and fellowship? Can you have fellowship with a person outside of Christ? 1 John chapter seems to state that fellowship occurs with other believers because their fellowship is with God.

I may be splitting hairs but here it goes. I think there is a difference. I am thinking that one aspect of community is the relationship we have with the world. We want to be seen in the context of which we live, the community but we want our community to be different one filled with love and grace. I believe that true fellowship draws people into our community because God is attractive. It is interesting to think that John was writing to combat the Gnostic way of thought, emphasizing the senses, touch,see,hear. What a relevant message to hear today for Christians to realize we need people to touch, hear, see Jesus in communities. Could it be that people outside of grace can witness our fellowship with each other and God through a community of believers but cannot experience true fellowship until they come into a relationship with Christ? They can experience Christian community but not fellowship, I don't know just rambling. Obviously my thoughts are never complete and I have ADD but let me know what you think.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004


I have been reading this Brian guy's blog for a couple of weeks and he is an excellent writer unlike me. He has great insights that cut to the core of who we are and who we can become. He seems humble and I would like to meet him some day. Read his blogs. It is a great thing to be reminded of...here is a little taste.

I suppose that underneath it all is the truth that I am not at home here. I've written counteless thousands of journal entries about how this world is not my home, and I've quoted all the old hymns that carry the same message. Repetition, however, does not negate the truth. I am homesick for a brighter shore. The wanderlust begins to creep up on me when I reach the point that the world almost completely absorbs me. I begin to believe that my job is important.

Mother's Day

Last Sunday at our student service we had a prayer and praise time. The students praised God for His faithfulness, they thanked God for their moms which was very moving. Then it got pretty tough. A high schooler shared how her mom left a lasting impression on her and how she continues to learn more things about her and her Godly character. It was powerful. Her mother past away two years ago. Then my wife approached the microphone, in tears. I immediately went to comfort her. She talked about her mom and how she was so instrumental in her life. She encouraged the students not to take their moms for granted. As I looked at my wife I could not even begin to fathom the loss she has suffered. Mother's day was the 1 year anniversary of my mother-in-laws passing. She died at the age of 59. She battled lung cancer for 1 year although she never smoked a cigarette in her life. Isn't that ironic.

My wife has gone through alot in the last year. She has become a new mom and I am sure she would love to have her mom here to share in the joy, she has had to put up with my doubts about the church, she has not gotten alot of sleep but she is still plugging away. I know that my wife appreciates life more than she ever has before. When you realize that your life may end at anytime, God becomes more of a reality. Isn't it ironic that the giver of life can take it all away in a split second. (or allow it to happen, don't want to get into any theological debates) Deb's resolve to be the best mom she can be is an inspiration to me. I never worry about my children because I know that there couldn't be anyone better for them, they have their mom. I pray that she will continue to seek God and rest in His grace and comfort. Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there and ecspecially those who are doing it without their mom's support.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised."

Monday, May 10, 2004

Trying Something New

Yeah...I am a computer genius...I lost my comments can't figure out how to get them back. Maybe tommorow.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

What do you think of this statement?

What postmodern people are crying out for is not better doctrine or clearer theology, but simply kindness in a choatic and haphazard world? The Shaping of Things to Come pg. 145.

Is this true in your current context? If so, why?


Good Stuff

I dont' know this guy and hope he doesn't mind me sending a couple of my friends his way but this is a post that I found most intriguing and relevant to my current situation. Please read the rest a Greg Hubbard's blog.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Two Theories to Try On You
Today I had a phone call from a lady from So. Cal. with questions about how we do what we do as Apex. I have the privilege/challenge of such phone calls at least once or twice each month. I found myself throwing out two ideas that I have come to believe, and I thought I'd throw them out here for all those in blog-dom to read as well . . . .

1) People in general can not be accurately labelled as "churched" or "unchurched" anymore (or even "believers" or non-believers"). Sure, some people fit completely into one of those labels. But most people do not. Most of us have a complicated, even bizarre, spiritual story. People's stories are often a stew made up of ingredients borrowed from the kitchen cupboards of life. They've dabbled in a little of this and a little of that.

As those loved by Father, we aren't so much trying to identify who is "churched" (so we can get them to jump over into our brand of church) and who is "unchurched" (so we can save their souls from fiery damnation) as we are looking for occassions to come alongside others journeyng through life to see where our stories and theirs might intersect and where we may help each other grow. We trust our Father will use us through these intersections to reach out to others.

2) Successful, large churches (although good in many ways) are going to miss out on reaching two kinds of people...

Da Obvious

Do you ever find yourself making statements that are obvious. Like hey a betcha that hurt, after someone smacks their thumb with a hammer. Or what are you doing? As you are watching somebody talk on the phone or whatever. Makes me feel like a dork when I make those comments. Well yesterday I was the recipent of at least 4000 obvious comments. Yesterday I planned on witnessing to mr. fairway and mr. green but I got pulled to the rougher section of town, mr. woods. Even though I spent a lot of time arguing with mr. woods and at times hitting him with a club I was able to spend some time with mr. green, although he wasn't very amicable either. Mr. Fairway didn't want anything to do with me. But during this evangelstic crusade I was able to spend some time in the sun while venturing from mr. woods to mr. green's place. I didn't not put on any sunscreen so my bald head got burned. Here is where the obvious statements start to come. Hey tim were you in the sun? NO! Hey Tim did you get a sunburn? NO! Hey Tim did you have sunglasses on today? NO! It can't be that these people are as dense as I am when it comes to making obvious statements, can they? Yes they are!!! Needless to say I had a blast messin with the people telling them I went to a tanning booth and forgot to take my glasses off etc... At least people are interested in my well being or they want to make fun of me either way it is cool.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

No Catchy Title

Maddie my daughter is the cutest girl I've ever laid eyes on, really she is! She loves to giggle, growl, jump around, spin around, give hugs, kiss her little brother, she is cool. I've noticed lately that her ability to imitate what she sees is progressing at a break neck speed. She watches everything on t.v. and every move that I make. For instance we were watching the "wiggles" an annoying show with human teletubbies. These guys sing cheesy songs, have goofy accents, are monochromatic in their apparell but they make my kid smile. They were rolling down a hill and Maddie got on the floor and started rolling around giggling. I was like holy crap she is so smart. I think I am as goofy as the wiggles except i dress better and sing cooler songs like: Rock You Like A Hurricane, Come On Feel the Noise, Back and Black you know the rock standards.

She loves to imitate what she sees. That to me is scary. Just yesterday I had my hood on because it was raining and she had hers on and when we got into the car I took mine off a certain way and she followed verbatim. Smart. I want her to follow me and pray that path might eventually lead to Jesus. I hope that I am open to God's leading in my discpline and actions, so my daughter might see God in me. I don't what my words to ring hollow with her or God for that matter. I pray I may continue to work out my salvation and be filled with the fullness of God so I can be the parent God intended me to be. Parenting is the most awesome and frightening thnig that I've ever gotten myself into.