Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Friday, August 26, 2005


Have you ever met someone who would be called simple? Do you watch how they live? What they spend their money on? How they treat others? I am talking about the person who is simply in love with Jesus and doesn't get bogged down in the mire of debate. I wish i was that person. I am not the most eloquent of people but i am a good listener and enjoy listening in on conversations. But....

Listening to people converse (myself included) is sometimes perplexing. I truly believe that most of us (christians) know what God wants us to do and become but we will use anything and everything as an excuse or obstacle or obsession not to do or be. Believe you me, i love to delve into deep theological discussions but when it's over what are you left with? Yes you may now be able to see God in a different light but is this illumination compeling you to love more? Do we view these conversations as sacrifices to God or our "ministry" to others? I don't want to sound harsh but I believe there is at least a kernel of truth to this. What really prompted me to think about this is Micah 6. After Israel miserable failings Micah says this:

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

I wondered in our "superior" western intellect if we have thought ourselves into a hole. I am not saying to abandoned discussions or even civil debate....well maybe I am if it gets in your way of walking humbly with your God. Am I making this to simple? Is it really that difficult to love with the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, desiring to transform us, to guide our words, our thoughts, to make us new!!!! My usual response is "it's hard to love people" No it's not when you take your eyes off of yourselve and let the Spirit guide you. I am just tired of being tired and I desparetly need to hear how Jesus is changing people's lives. How the Kingdom is being advanced. That my friends is good news. So much of the stuff that is being discussed, most people don't give a rip about ecspecially, the not yet Disciples. Should they care? Maybe. Maybe not. Oh what a blessing it would be to be simple.

DISCLAIMER: Since everybody seems to be using these now here is mine: I AM AN IDIOT. I think that would just about cover everything. By the way did i tell you i am an idiot?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Trinity Explained part deux

I have been thinking recently about communion and communion meditations/thoughts/stories. I have come to the conclusion that communion is not just about forgiveness. Yes that is a part of it but often times it is phrased that we should think about or sins and how God forgives them because of the cross. True but when that is all you hear i think you can become misled or atleast miss out on some cool stuff.

Communion with God is what Adam and Eve experienced and what we are to experienced today, albeit limited.

Commmunion allows me (communion with God)

To become a citizen of the greatest Kingdom on earth and in heaven
To be subject to the King
To love my wife
To love my kids
To love my neighbors
To have life to the full (which entails sharing in suffering , victories and failures of other people)

I hope and pray that I will not be blinded continually by self, so that I will be able to communion with God the way He intended.

On another note. I turned 32 today, that means that I have spent half of my life with my wife. I have learned so much about her but there is so much more to learn and love. Life is interesting.

Peace out