Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bob Genis is the Kung Fu Panda

Bob is known as the leaf raking ninja in the Rockford area.

BOB Smells LIke Farts

Bob's armpits smell like juicy farts.

Leadership Henri Nouwen style actually Jesus' style

As the Church subculture is hellbent on creating leaders, it often creates busy people that are more committed than the average joe. I was one of the guys that would harp on leadership and what it takes to be a leader...take the next step...read this book...pray more...ask your friends to come to church...read your bible. I've begun to re-examine my life again. It is amazing how faithful God is when you are seeking to be refreshed and are open to him.

I am rereading a little book called, "In the Name of Jesus, Reflections on Christian Leadership" by Henri Nouwen. It is a great book and often is counterintuitave to the normal leadership stuff. I will offer an excerpt:

"Let me tell you now about a third experience connected with my move from Harvard to L'Arche. It was clearly a move from leadership to being led.(awesome) Somehow I had come to believe that growing older and more mature meant that I would be increasingly able to offer leadership. In fact, I had grwon more self-confident over the years. I felt I knew something and the ability to express it and be heard. In that sense I felt more and more in control....
(after his experience trying to communicate to the severley handicapped and their repsonses to his teaching he said this)
When people have little intellectual capacity, they let their hearts-their loving hearts, their angry hearts, their longing hearts-speak directly and often unadorned. Without realizing it, the people I came to live with made me aware of the extent to which my leadership was still a desire to control complex situations, confused emotions, and anxious minds." Pages 55-56

Just let those words sink in...I am still being transformed by them. He goes on to reflect on Jesus' rejection of power when Satan tempted him, even more powerful. May Jesus be our leader and let his church follow. Peace

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Its been a week

Well...I said I would post something significant. I am not sure yet. I have been dealing with some church issues. I am going to set up a couple meetings and get some things resolved so I know what decision I should make. Should I stay or should I go (Humming song in my head)

On a more significant note; I have been meeting with 1 or 2 high school guys recently. It has been a blessing. One kid (HSK) has a desire to share Jesus with people. Hsk was telling a kid on his bus who cuts himself that Jesus loved him. The kid was pretty weirded out by HSK's assertion that Jesus loved him. The next time, he told cut boy that Jesus loved him and cut boy posed a very difficult question; "Can you prove it?". I was curious as to what HSK's answer would be. He just said he did and the bible says so. Good answers for a kid who is trying to figure out his own faith.

I believe that to be a question the world is screaming in soft voice. Our culture beating it's chest, lost, broken waiting to be redeemed. It is waiting for the church to "prove it". Bob I believe you saw a social aspect of the Gospel at Zion. That is one way for the coporate body to come together and "prove it". Me and the boys are going through Ezra. It is a historical book about the return from Babylon. In chapter 3 they begin to rebuild the altar and it states that although they feared the people in Jerusalem, they forged ahead offering up sacrifices to God. I think that is cool. They begin a fresh start in Jerusalem they way God wanted them to. Following his teachings, building on the same foundations of their fathers. Good stuff. HSK can "prove it" by befriending cut boy and just living a surrendered life in front of him. I hope my life "proves it" if you want a more biblical phrase: produces fruit. Anyway I had to write something because I am trying to be disciplined. Thanks BOB.