As the Church subculture is hellbent on creating leaders, it often creates busy people that are more committed than the average joe. I was one of the guys that would harp on leadership and what it takes to be a leader...take the next this book...pray more...ask your friends to come to your bible. I've begun to re-examine my life again. It is amazing how faithful God is when you are seeking to be refreshed and are open to him.
I am rereading a little book called, "In the Name of Jesus, Reflections on Christian Leadership" by Henri Nouwen. It is a great book and often is counterintuitave to the normal leadership stuff. I will offer an excerpt:
"Let me tell you now about a third experience connected with my move from Harvard to L'Arche. It was clearly a move from leadership to being led.(awesome)
Somehow I had come to believe that growing older and more mature meant that I would be increasingly able to offer leadership. In fact, I had grwon more self-confident over the years. I felt I knew something and the ability to express it and be heard. In that sense I felt more and more in control....(after his experience trying to communicate to the severley handicapped and their repsonses to his teaching he said this)
When people have little intellectual capacity, they let their hearts-their loving hearts, their angry hearts, their longing hearts-speak directly and often unadorned. Without realizing it, the people I came to live with made me aware of the extent to which my leadership was still a desire to control complex situations, confused emotions, and anxious minds." Pages 55-56
Just let those words sink in...I am still being transformed by them. He goes on to reflect on Jesus' rejection of power when Satan tempted him, even more powerful.
May Jesus be our leader and let his church follow.