Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Monday, May 16, 2005


I was discussing the "bread of life" in John with Bob the other night. I was prompted by God throughout the week to ponder the disciples repsonse to Jesus' far out teaching. They were saying among themselves that this is hard to accept. The teaching was pretty offensive to Jewish society. It was basically hardcore in your face stuff. Because of that many disciples walked away.

I was wondering if I had accepted some of Jesus' offensive teaching or just acknowledged them. The difference to me is: accpetance will allow the spirit to move in your life, for me it parallels submission. Acknowledgment is holding Jesus at arms length and "doing" the easy stuff. Thankfully God does place people in your life to help reaffirm what the Spirit is trying to tell you.

I had breakfast with a friend on Friday. I really wanted to talk to him about my job and my current spiritual condition. I know he is honest with me and that is exactly what i needed. We discussed what i was going through and he pointed out some of my personality faults in love and proceeded to tell me to have the mindset of a servant at work. I guess that is something that i've acknowleged but never accepted. For those of you who know me you are probably saying "He should know that by now." Well, I can honestly saying after that early morning breakfast I was transformed. It feels good to be in tune with God. I am glad that God has placed people in my life like my friend. I hope I can encourage others like he has encouraged me.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I was reading Psalm 63 and the last couple of verses really stuck out to me.

One thing God has spoken
two things I have heard:
that you, O God, are strong
and that you, O Lord, are loving.

I wonder how many teachable moments i have missed out on because I only saw the surface of what God was trying to tell me and not dig deeper. Isn't it cool, though, how faithful God is. He is always willing to give us atleast one thing, but maybe there might be more to that one thing than we intially thought. Happy listening. Remember for those who have ears....

New Link

I added Chad to my sidebar. Chad is a friend of mine who attends the University of Illinois and is involved in a campus ministry. I am excited to say that we have moved beyond the student/pastor relationship into two guys seeking the same thing. (he was a student in the student ministry) He is a great guy with a great heart for God... He is asking many of the same questions that I am. Check it out.