Tim Fountain

A Follower, Husband, Dad, and Friend on a journey

Thursday, January 27, 2005


I was invited to play at a winter camp in Feb. So the "band" got together to practice tonight. I have played with some of the guys before more with some than others so i thought i knew what to expect. But tonight was different. I have been away from playing in a band for several months and tonight brought a new appreciation for the gifts and talents God has given others. I am not leading any of the songs so I can just sit back and listen to the guys rock out and come in when neccesarry. I really appreciate and am humbledd to be playing with such talented guys. It is not just the skill level that is impressive but their hearts are in the right place. I felt the Spirit moving through out the practice. It was a three hour worship experience for me. I just want to thank God for allowing me to be a part of it. I pray that we glorify Him. I would also like to thank Him for drummers who have what i call "groove".

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Funny Stuff


Some funny stuff happened to me this week at work. Yesterday I was helping the flooring guys carry out tile to their vehicle. Once we finished the guy was trying to shut the garage door but the automatic opener was not letting it shut. So me being the ever helpful, walk over pulled the red handle and the door released. I started to run out of the garage and WHAMO! right on top of my head. The guy took me out! after i helped him carry tile out he flung the door down with so much force it shortened me up by a couple of inches. It was hilarious. Then today there was a pot heater running in a basement. It was a tad bit too hot. So being the ever concious worker i bent over to turn it down. As i was leaning over I was not ready for the immense heat radiating from the metal. As i got closer the it just about melted my face off. It singed my eyebrow and eyelashes and the smell was absouletly horrific. My eye was melted shut. it was cool. Thank goodness I don't have any hair or that could have been ugly. Well tommorow I have a minor operation, so I pray that it goes well. chop chop

Monday, January 17, 2005

A must read

I was searching through Brian's blog to find this beautiful piece. Please read and enjoy. I hope he doesn't get upset that I posted this in my blog. I was moved by it and wanted my friends to read it.

A Prayer for the Morning

The Holy King of Creation sits high on his Throne
Mercy is in his right hand, justice in his left
He watches
He breathes
He knows
Mercy in his right, justice in his left

Cast your spell of mystery, O King
Your mercy falling on those who do not know
or seek
your mercy new every day
pouring from the fingers of your right hand
quenching the fire of need in a broken man's heart

Loose the need of fear upon your people, my Lord
Justice is strewn from the hand of a wise King
Justice falling hard on the heads of those who show no mercy
upon mine
whose heart is blind
The justice of a wise King
waiting for the proper time
reclaiming hearts that from the beginning have been your own.

My kids are awesome...we are so blessed. Sometimes I sit on the couch and play my guitar with the kids running or crawling around and I was prompted to sing this.

When i look at my child I see
Jesus staring back at me
And I know
He is the King

When they smile back at me
i get a sense of humility
and I know
He is the King

When I feel their arms around me
I feel His grace rain down on me
and I know
He is the King

He is the King

Monday, January 10, 2005


If you haven't listen to U2's new cd you should. It is good stuff. I think it is more reminiscent of their older stuff. Give it listen, it will definetly grow on you.

peace out

Tim (i don't know anything about music) Fountain


The last few months have been trying spiritually speeking. I believe God has once again opened my eyes. I have been allowing external circumstances shape how I view reality. In truth reality is what God is doing in and through you. I have not been neccesarily looking for God in these conditions but just have been plowing through. Have you ever just plown through life hoping to drudge something up? Well I have drudged up something i don't like it at all.

When i first left my position at church i never felt so alive, so free. But I have lost focus. I lost sight of the simple fact that Jesus loves me and wants me to be his disciple. He is the King. Because of grace I serve a King, a creator, a redeemer, how cool is that? By allowing the Holy Spirit that is inside me guide me through life, i will be able to see God in circumstance. I will experience joy. Joy from knowing Jesus should never waiver from external pressure, if anything it should increase. You are able to bathe yourself in his comfort, his guidance, his discipline, his hope. I love Him and want to be like Him.

Lord, work from the inside out. I pray that you would drain every drop or me out and fill me with You. I want to be more like you, I want to have a childlike faith, fill me with mercy and grace.