I was invited to play at a winter camp in Feb. So the "band" got together to practice tonight. I have played with some of the guys before more with some than others so i thought i knew what to expect. But tonight was different. I have been away from playing in a band for several months and tonight brought a new appreciation for the gifts and talents God has given others. I am not leading any of the songs so I can just sit back and listen to the guys rock out and come in when neccesarry. I really appreciate and am humbledd to be playing with such talented guys. It is not just the skill level that is impressive but their hearts are in the right place. I felt the Spirit moving through out the practice. It was a three hour worship experience for me. I just want to thank God for allowing me to be a part of it. I pray that we glorify Him. I would also like to thank Him for drummers who have what i call "groove".